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Greater Giving

CHCS Greater Giving!

They say “Charity begins at home” and it’s true at CHCS. Associates here have always been givers. Every day we give our time, our hearts and our expertise. We now have a Greater Giving Committee which has organized multiple ways to give to a variety of CHCS needs. We have big and small ways, long-term and immediate ways, anonymous and publicized ways. The Greater Giving Committee works to make all the ways you can give fun and impactful. Any of us can fill you in on more details, but here are five programs you may choose to give to.

The Greater Giving program is flexible and offers associates an opportunity to give back to CHCS. Thank you to all who have contributed! Take a moment to read reports of what we've done in the last two years.  

Ready to give? Download the 2024 enrollment form (PDF). If you are a new Scholarship or Endowment donor, you'll also need the ACH form (PDF). 


Several funds are available!  


1) Wish List

Once a year the Greater Giving Committee selects three departments and invites them to identify something for their department that will positively impact the way they do their job, improve patient care or the patient experience.

2) Comfort Closet/ Adopt a Family

A small program with a big heart. If you see some small thing that a patient needs to brighten their day, the Comfort Closet may be able to provide it. We don’t have a closet that we keep things in; we have simple request forms that can be completed, approved, and result in comfort accomplished within a day. This program responds to small personal needs; maximum gift value is suggested at $100. This program is also utilized to buy presents for a community family at Christmas.

Applications for Comfort Closet are available in PowerDMS now.

3) United in Compassion

This was previously the kitty fund. This program will provide a gift for an employee when hospitalized, in the death of a family member, or when retiring after 10 years of service. This fund will now be available to all employees, not just to those who donate.

4) CHCS Scholarship

We combined two memorial gifts, from Chandler Rowe and Hal Falkenstein, to create the CHCS Scholarship. Currently we can offer $1000 awards to four seniors who will be pursuing a career in healthcare and who are graduating from CHCS family practice clinic towns.

5) CHCS Endowment

Everyone should have some money tucked away for a rainy day. The endowment is that for CHCS. It is a permanent savings account invested for the future of CHCS. It takes a while to build, but it can never be taken away or used for some other purpose. It will always be here, growing and earning money to support local healthcare. Contributing to the endowment is a gift that will give forever.

How can you give?

1) Donate PTO   2) Payroll deduct   3) Pledge   4) Planned gift   5) Cash/check   

CHCS highly values all donations, whatever the amount. Each and every gift is important and demonstrates a desire to improve the health and well-being of others; each gift is impactful.



Community HealthCare System 

Director of the Caring Community Foundation 

Susie Kufahl, [email protected]

Human Resources

Extension 5026 or 5030

    • CHCS Scholarship: We combined two memorial gifts, from Chandler Rowe and Hal Falkenstein, to create the CHCS Scholarship Fund. Currently we can offer $1000 awards to four seniors who will be pursuing a career in healthcare and who are graduating from CHCS family practice clinic towns Donate through the Caring Community Foundation or inquire with Human Resources to set up a one-time or repeated payroll deduction. Cash or checks are also accepted.
      • United in Compassion: This program will provide a gift for an employee when hospitalized, in the death of a family member, or when retiring after 10 years of service. This fund will now be available to all employees, not just to those who donate.