Posted On: August 22, 2023 by Community HealthCare System in: Catch Up On Care Community health news Events General News

We are making it easy and cost-effective for you on to get your annual labs on Saturday, October 14th. Plus, you can get your flu shot or COVID booster.
Take charge of your health at Onaga Community Hospital Saturday, October 14. Join Community HealthCare System (CHCS) at their annual Health Fair and Community Baby Shower. Low-cost labs, vaccines, information for new parents and many more activities are planned.
Low-cost labs will be offered from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. Individuals can receive a complete blood count, chemistry panel, thyroid screen, cholesterol panel, and hemoglobin A1c for diabetes screening for $30. A prostate specific antigen, or PSA, test can be added for $15. Payment by cash or check is preferred, but credit cards will be accepted. Patients are encouraged to schedule in advance by calling 785-889-4241; select Onaga Clinic (option 1) and let registration staff know you’d like an appointment at the Health Fair. Walk-ins will also be welcome.
Pottawatomie County Public Health will be on hand to offer influenza and COVID-19 vaccines. Those who are interested in flu vaccines should bring their insurance card.
The Community Baby Shower is free to attend and will offer information, gifts, and drawings for expectant parents or those who have a baby under 1 year of age. CHCS staff will offer Birth Center tours and answer questions about safe sleep, smoking cessation, breastfeeding, and much more. A Car-seat safety check lane will be conducted by trained technicians.
Weather and patient-care needs permitting, Lifestar will land at 10:00 a.m. and helicopter tours will be available.
Merica Surdez, chief of provider and clinic operations at CHCS, said anyone age 18 and over should have blood drawn for wellness labs. Those with health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or obesity are urged to have the tests.
“Everyone – including young, healthy people who would not routinely qualify for screening labs – should consider having their labs completed at the Health Fair. It is quick, easy, and affordable, and it helps prompt important conversations with your primary care provider [PCP],” Surdez said.
Surdez added that people with chronic health conditions should have labs completed at minimum once a year.
Individuals should fast before having blood drawn, meaning they should not eat or drink anything other than water or black coffee after 12:00 midnight.
Check-in will be at the main entrance where participants will complete a consent form, and then will proceed to the blood drawing stations for labs and will have a chance to grab a snack and drink, plus some information about CHCS services on their way out. Anyone who plans to receive vaccines or attend the Community Baby Shower should plan to spend a little extra time.
“We’re pleased to host the Health Fair to offer reduced-cost services and to promote healthy lifestyles. Plus, it’s a great way to provide community members an opportunity to learn from our childbirth, safe sleep, and breastfeeding experts by scheduling an appointment or visiting the Baby Shower,” said Mindy Olberding, chief nursing officer.
“We always appreciate our partners at Pottawatomie County Public Health for taking time to bring vaccines so patients have a one-stop shop.” Olberding said.
Individuals will receive blood test results in the mail. Results will not be sent to primary care providers, so individuals should contact their provider’s office for an appointment to discuss results. Surdez said discussing lab results with your PCP assists with early detection of any abnormalities.
"The best thing to do after receiving your results is to schedule an office visit with your PCP,” Surdez said.
Read an FAQ on the lab tests offered