Posted On: March 26, 2020 by Community HealthCare System in: News

We recognize that people may be reluctant to visit our clinics or hospitals during the COVID-19 outbreak, and we appreciate efforts to follow advice on social distancing. Telemedicine provides a new option to Community HealthCare System patients. We began offering telemedicine appointments the week of March 30.
Here are a few things patients should know about telemedicine:
- Access: Telemedicine offers a way for patients to have an office visit with their provider using a phone, tablet, or computer. Patients can make appointments by calling their clinic, and the clinics will then provide instructions on how to access the appointment from your home.
- Visit type: Telemedicine visits work best for certain types of visits, including but not limited to medication management and management of chronic conditions such as diabetes. Please contact your clinic to find out if this option will work for your needs.
- Insurance coverage: KanCare, BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas, and Medicare have indicated that they will cover certain telemedicine visits. We are receiving more information daily, so please call your clinic with questions about insurance coverage.
- Time frame: We can offer these visits during the COVID-19 outbreak through a special regulatory waiver. We are unsure how long the waiver will continue, but we will communicate updates as we are able.
Please call your clinic with questions.
Angie Young | Mar 31st 2020 @ 8:14 PM
I think this is great.