During National Preparedness Month in September, Community HealthCare System offers the following tips to help our patients and communities prepare for disasters.
Make a Plan
Develop a plan for how you and your family could survive on your own for several days after a disaster. The plan should include information about how family members will communicate with one another during and after the event, along with key phone numbers for family members and support services.
Build a Kit
Create a disaster supply kit that includes water, flashlights and batteries, non-perishable foods, extra medications, cash for expenses, and other personal items.
Sign Up for Alerts
To ensure you’ll be informed during a disaster, contact your local emergency management office ahead of time to sign up for phone, email and text alerts.
Learn About Low-Cost, No-Cost Preparedness
Limit the impacts that disasters have on you and your family. Know the risk of disasters in your area from flooding and tornados to cybersecurity. Learn how to make your home stronger in the face of storms and other common hazards. Check your insurance coverage to make sure it is up to date.
Teach Youth About Preparedness
Talk to your kids about preparing for emergencies and what to do in case you are separated. Reassure them by providing information about how they can get involved.
For more information on disaster preparedness, visit www.ready.gov