Posted On: December 4, 2019 by Community HealthCare System in: News

If you’ve been meaning to join a Fitness Center, don’t wait until January. We’ll give you our January special in December! Buy three months and get one month free, or buy 12 months and get two free. If you sign up for payments through electronic funds transfer, you don’t pay until the second month. For those who don't want to commit to a full membership, punch cards are available. Each card is good for 10 visits. During December, if you purchase two punch cards (basic price is $32 each), you'll get a third card free!
Joining a Fitness Center is a great way to stay motivated in winter when you can’t be outside. “Don’t let your fitness goals go into hibernation during the winter months. Take advantage of your local gym to increase your activity,” said Andrea Lutz, doctor of physical therapy and Community HealthCare System Rehab and Fitness Center manager.
CHCS operates Fitness Centers in Onaga, Frankfort, and Holton. Top-of-the line equipment and classes are available along with personal training. Stop in and see us today to learn about pricing, to join, or to get more information and a tour.
Onaga: 120 W. 8th St., 785-889-5048
Frankfort: 112 E. 2nd St., 785-292-4382
Holton: 400 Colorado Ave., 785-364-5775