Posted On: October 22, 2021 by Community HealthCare System in: News
Community HealthCare System is conducting a Community Health Needs Assessment in partnership with Pottawatomie County Public Health and other local partners. County citizens are invited to share their thoughts through a brief, confidential survey. The online survey is available at Anyone who wishes to receive a paper copy can request one by calling 785-889-5133 or by emailing [email protected]. The deadline to participate is November 22.
Federal IRS community benefit reporting requirements stipulate that all state-licensed nonprofit hospitals must complete a Community Health Needs Assessment every three years. CHCS last completed the report in 2019 and will issue another report in 2021. Information about the assessment and past reports are available on the CHCS website.
According to CEO Todd Willert, input from the Community Health Needs Assessment survey helps CHCS understand what communities need and set priorities for programs and services.
“Our 2019 survey showed broad concern about the lack of mental health resources, and that led us to help four of our associates become certified in Mental Health First Aid so they could offer classes in our communities,” Willert said.
“We also developed collaborations with area schools to provide wellness programs for students on vaping, avoiding the ‘freshman 15’ after graduation, and more, plus we helped schools start discussions about offering healthier items at concession stands,” Willert said.
Pottawatomie County Public Health Director Leslie Campbell said she hopes the survey receives a large number of responses.
“We are always working to understand needs in our communities so we can offer the services and education to keep our county healthy. I hope people will take a few minutes to offer their thoughts,” Campbell said.