Posted On: April 15, 2021 by Community HealthCare System in: News

Peggy Buessing, LPN and lead nurse at the Centralia Clinic, has announced that she will retire on June 30.
Buessing has worked for Community HealthCare System for 30 years. After joining CHCS in 1991, she worked part-time at the Centralia Clinic while filling in at other clinics when needed, plus she cared for patients at Onaga Hospital one weekend a month. As the Centralia Clinic grew, Buessing transitioned to working full-time there.
“One of the nice things about working in all those different areas was that I got to know a lot of different people in our system,” Buessing said.
In 2009, Buessing helped establish the Corning Clinic on Tuesday evenings, with Dr. Tom Walsh and Michele Reisinger, APRN-C, seeing patients there on alternating Tuesdays. She also served on several different committees during her years at CHCS, including the Core Values and Greater Giving committees.
“Peggy brings her all to work each day, and CHCS has counted on her cheerful dedication and desire to care for patients and give back for a long time. She has demonstrated what it means to be truly dedicated to your job,” said Merica Surdez, CHCS chief of provider and clinic operations.
“We hope Peggy enjoys retirement and knows how much we will miss her – not just at the Centralia Clinic, but systemwide,” Surdez said.
Buessing said she has seen a number of changes during her career. She navigated transitions from paper to electronic charts and the shift to caring for the whole patient, but she said the COVID-19 pandemic was the most challenging of all.
“In the beginning, there were constant policy and procedure changes, and we were figuring out how to keep patients, staff, and our own families safe. Looking back on it now, I am so impressed by how our organization rose to that challenge from every department and exceeded expectations. That is something everyone should be proud of,” Buessing said.
Retiring is bittersweet for Buessing. She says she will never forget her patients, but she knows she is leaving them in good hands.
“I’ve been very fortunate to love my job and work with some of the best providers and staff anyone could ask for …. Truly the best part of my job is getting to know and care for the patients. I would like the patients to know that we have some talented new staff coming in, as well as our already great current staff, that make me feel confident that everyone will be well taken care of,” Buessing said.
Dr. Tom Walsh said that he has “never once heard Peggy complain” and that she is fun to be around. “In all the years I have worked with Peggy at the Centralia Clinic, I cannot remember a single occasion when she wasn’t wearing a big smile. It never matters what the circumstances are – she always makes those around her feel comfortable and at ease,” he said.
“Peggy takes pride in her job and always does her very best to serve our patients; they, in return, appreciate her more than she knows. Peggy is extremely talented and will be tough to replace, and she will be greatly missed by all of her co-workers—especially myself. What I will miss most is that big smile every Tuesday morning,” Dr. Walsh said.
Buessing is looking forward to spending more time with her husband, four children, and 14 grandchildren. She enjoys cooking, flower gardening, and house remodeling, and said the next old house she remodels might be her own. She is also looking forward to a trip to Hawaii later this year.
In reflecting on her career, Buessing found wisdom to share with the younger generation.
“I would say to young people looking for a career to consider the healthcare field. It has been so rewarding to go to work every day and do something that you love. It’s not always easy, and you will make sacrifices, but I know I wouldn’t have changed a thing! Community Healthcare System has been a great place to work!”
Betty Ellis | Apr 19th 2021 @ 10:58 AM
I never got the opportunity to meet Peggy personally but felt like I knew her. The 19 years I worked in Health Information I could always count on Peggy's help when I needed data or guidance in processing a patient record issue. She was always so kind and helpful and made my job so much easier.
Pat Massie | Apr 19th 2021 @ 1:31 PM
Oh Peggy, it just won’t be the same without were always there for me and fitted me in when I needed it. Enjoy your retirement...and know you will probably be busier than ever. Thanks again!