Posted On: September 15, 2021 by Community HealthCare System in: News

As we’ve navigated the pandemic, CHCS associates have done many extraordinary things to serve our patients and communities, but perhaps none have been more significant than our efforts to administer the COVID-19 vaccine. We jumped in with both feet. We tackled logistical obstacles and persevered through many difficulties. We adapted our processes as the situation and availability and guidelines changed. We patiently answered question after question.
Earlier this month, we administered the 2,000th dose of COVID-19 vaccine in our clinics. (This does not count the service and assistance we provided to public health departments in all four counties we serve and the doses we administered at mass vaccine clinics for the public and for associates.) So, we paused on September 14 to celebrate the milestone.
We distributed beautiful and delicious vaccine-themed cookies from Wildflour Bakery + Café in Frankfort to our amazing vaccine team. As one cookie said, every dose matters! And every individual who has helped order, schedule, register, report, and administer vaccine also matters. THANK YOU! And thanks to all of the patients and area citizens who have trusted us to administer the COVID-19 vaccine to you and your loved ones. We appreciate your help in defeating the pandemic!
A few photos of our staff taking a moment to celebrate are below. For more, please visit our Facebook page.