Posted On: October 1, 2020 by Community HealthCare System in: News

A project that began with a fundraising gala sponsored by the Caring Community Foundation in 2017 will come to fruition in early 2021.
At the September Community HealthCare System Board of Directors meeting, a bid for construction of an infusion room was awarded to Kendall Construction from Topeka. Construction on the project will begin in late October or early November, and the project should be completed in March.
The purpose of the room is to provide a quiet space for infusion therapy, which could range from blood products, antibiotics, or other medications. Infusions are currently done in the Emergency Department, which can be uncomfortable for the patient if the procedure takes a long time. It can also be distracting if other emergencies occur.
A basic artist's rendering of the room is above. The space will contain four bays with recliners and a view to the east. Each bay will have a TV on an articulating arm, a half-wall with frosted glass on top for privacy, and a cubicle curtain, and the windows will have shades. The room will also have a sink and a nurses work station.
The 2017 gala event raised $29,000. Those funds were crucial to kicking off the project, and CHCS is grateful for the support of donors to the Caring Community Foundation as well as the CHCS Greater Giving program that has grown in the last two years.
“We look forward to offering this service to our patients. During a challenging time, we are proud that CHCS can continue to enrich the health and lives of the people we serve by providing a more comfortable space for patients who need infusion therapy,” said CEO Todd Willert.
Susie Kufahl, executive director of the Caring Community Foundation, said, “Many people will find that they, or their loved ones, need infusion at one time or another. Through the combined efforts of the Foundation and CHCS, this project improves quality of life with comfort and privacy, and we are happy to support it.”
The architectural drawing at left shows the location of the new space on the east wing of Onaga Community Hospital. On the right side of the drawing, the top white rectangle will be the infusion room, and the bottom will be a mirror image "shell space" that will be enclosed with windows, flooring, finished walls and ceiling, a sink, and more. The shell space will be reserved for future use.