Posted On: August 22, 2023 by Community HealthCare System in: News

Eastridge Skilled Nursing Facility is once again among the nation’s top nursing homes according to U.S. News & World Report. The Centralia nursing home, operated by Community HealthCare System, or CHCS, is one of 1,000 nursing homes out of 15,000 nationwide to earn this prestigious designation. In Kansas, Eastridge was one of only 7 homes to receive the honor.
“Our staff remains committed to providing a safe and quality experience for our residents,”” said Lura Flentie, CHCS director of long-term care services. “We are fortunate to have staff that truly care for each resident as if they were a member of the family.”
U.S. News rates nursing homes on staffing; success in hospitalizations and emergency room visits; resident influenza vaccination rates; resident’s ability to self-care and other metrics. Homes are evaluated on both short-term and long-term care. Data for the ratings are obtained primarily from Nursing Home Compare, which is operated by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, or CMS.
Todd Willert, CHCS CEO, said he isn’t surprised by Eastridge’s continued high performance. “We pride ourselves on excellence in quality and to receive this designation demonstrates just that. The families and residents in our facilities have come to trust and know we will provide the highest standard of care,” he said.
U.S. News provides a search tool to help families choose nursing homes at 2022-23 Best Nursing Homes, Pricings, Quality Ratings, Reviews| US News. The tool incorporates ratings and helps users compare nursing homes in a certain area or state.
Flentie said families who are searching for nursing home care for a loved one are welcome to visit Eastridge. “We are happy to host tours and answer questions. We want those who need care to come see for themselves what a 5-star facility looks like,” she said.
To schedule an appointment, call 785-857-3388.