Posted On: March 6, 2020 by Community HealthCare System in: News

Community HealthCare System physicians have a new tool to diagnose and treat patients. Nuclear medicine is a diagnostic imaging procedure that can detect issues with internal organs that other types of scans can’t see. While CT or MRI tests only show the radiologist images, nuclear medicine provides information about functioning of organs like gall bladders, thyroids and hearts.
The new, in-house service will replace a mobile imaging truck that brought nuclear medicine to CHCS approximately once a week.
“In the past, if someone needed the service, they had to wait,” said Jason McKinsey, radiology manager. “There were often issues with the truck or weather delays, and we’d have to reschedule all the patients. Now it is much more convenient for our patients and providers to get these exams scheduled."
Nuclear medicine procedures are simple and painless. The technologist injects radioactive isotopes intravenously, and then patients lie on a large, comfortable table while the scanner obtains images. Radiation levels are similar to those in standard x-ray examinations, with almost no side effects or complications. With in-house nuclear medicine, patients will see shorter wait times, more flexibility in scheduling, and faster diagnosis. It's another way CHCS delivers care at the speed of life.