Posted On: July 6, 2022 by Community HealthCare System in: General

Registered Nurses Bailey Tucker and Ashley Bean started a side business called Humble Homestead in November 2021. They recently took time to answer a few questions about their products, some of which are now available in the CHCS Gift Shop in Onaga.
When did you start Humble Homestead, and why? What inspired you?
We started Humble Homestead 11-11-21. We were very nervous taking on this new venture with COVID and knowing the economy may not be at its best for a new business. Bailey has played with and made different home remedies over the years for fun. As Ashley became more interested in Bailey’s “witchcraft,” as her kids call it, Ashley suggested starting a business. Bailey had always thought about doing something like Humble Homestead but knew she couldn’t do it alone. Our inspiration is bring quality homemade products to community. Bring awareness to all of the wonderful plants and resources you can find in your yard that you can use in homemade products.
You both work full-time as nurses and have busy families. How do you find time to develop your products and run your business?
This has been a learning curve for us. We are limited on time, which is why we have not advertised or promoted our business as much as we could because we are afraid of losing that balance. We both enjoy staying busy, working three 12s [12-hour shifts] gives extra time through the week to have a hobby. When we make product, we try to make it in bulk so we have some on our shelves for orders. We often divide and conquer, splitting up the items we need to make. For custom orders, we make those as we receive them.
You make a range of products, from teas to bath salts and cleaning products. What led you to develop such a diverse line of products?
We find something we need at home and look for a way to make it. We keep saying we are going to condense our product list, but we haven’t found consistent customer favorites yet. Everything we have for sale we have trialed, test, and revamped (as needed) at home before we sell the product. When we started, we made a “want” list. This list consistent of items we want to make in the future if we have not yet needed it. We are slowly making our way through it.
What makes your products different from those people can buy at big-box stores or larger retailers?
Every one of our items are made and packaged in our kitchens, with our hands, with as many foraged or local ingredients that we can find. We know exactly what is in each item and the labor of love involved in make them. In the very beginning, we agreed our main goal is to sell the highest quality product at an affordable cost.
What do you love about working together?
We have very similar brains when it comes to brainstorming. We have very similar opinions as well, so when it comes to making a decision, we often don’t need to ask the other, as we know the answer. Ashley does a better job with the logistics -- she has taken on the financial part from taxes to cost of products. She has become invaluable to the company. You often catch Bailey frolicking in the fields trying to find her next “weed” to make "witchcraft" with.