Posted On: April 30, 2024 by Community HealthCare System in: Community health news News

A stroke is a medical emergency that happens when blood flow to the brain is cut off. Without oxygen, there is a sudden loss of brain function. This can cause lasting disability or even death. Time is of the essence, when someone exhibits signs of a possible stroke.
Knowing the signs of stroke is crucial. Remember the acronym BE FAST: Balance loss, Eyesight changes, Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, Time to call 911. Other symptoms could include sudden numbness, confusion, or severe headache.
If you notice stroke symptoms in yourself or someone else, call 911 immediately or go to the closest Emergency Department. Don't wait to see if they improve. Every minute matters, so timely treatment is vital.
Patients with serious medical conditions other than a stroke can have similar symptoms, so a rapid but broad initial assessment is of utmost importance. Rural emergency departments can rapidly provide this care. Rural emergency departments can also do necessary imaging or testing, give clot-busting medications, and facilitate transfer to a specialized stroke center when necessary. Early treatment greatly improves chances of recovery and reduces the risk of long-term disability.
By recognizing the signs of stroke and acting quickly, you could save a life.
Dr. Marcus H. Weiser, D.O.
CHCS Stroke Program Medical Director
Onaga, KS