Posted On: November 20, 2019 by Community HealthCare System in: Patient story

A hernia is a tear in the muscle surrounding the abdominal wall or groin that allows internal tissue or organs to protrude, creating bulges under the skin. Hernias are a common medical condition, and they can be painful, thus limiting physical activity. In some cases, a hernia can result in a bowel obstruction that causes nausea, vomiting, and bloating and can become a surgical emergency.
Larry Schroeder recently had surgery at CHCS to repair a hernia. “I liked the care I received at CHCS because they were very friendly and caring about my needs before and after the surgery,” he said.
Schroeder’s surgeon was Dr. David Cancelada. He thought both Dr. Cancelada and the surgery staff took excellent care of him. “I liked Dr. Cancelada’s personality. He was always positive! He has a great sense of humor and great smile,” Schroeder said. “The surgical staff knew their individual jobs very well and explained everything they were doing to get me ready for surgery. The anesthetist was amazing, too,” he said.
Schroeder had two hernias, and he has had both repaired at CHCS. He came back because the first procedure worked well on one side, so he wanted to have the other side repaired, too. He said Dr. Cancelada explains the procedure, which is known as the Shouldice hernia repair, well. The technique uses no mesh; instead, the surgeon repairs the muscle tear using the patient’s own tissue or muscle layers in an overlapping manner with internal sutures. “I felt confident in Dr. Cancelada’s procedure choice. I would recommend Dr. Cancelada and CHCS to others because this procedure worked so well for me, and the outcome was amazing!”
Above all, Schroeder said he was impressed with the professionalism and quality care he received from the staff at CHCS. “They ALWAYS put me first, taking care of my needs and wants. THANK YOU, CHCS!”
Larry Schroeder is pictured above with CHCS surgeon Dr. David Cancelada.
Fiona Manonn | Oct 31st 2020 @ 6:20 AM
I was stabbed 7 times years ago, and when operated on, it was a long slice up my belly. Being an alpha male I went back to work too soon; this was years ago. Today I have a hernia as big as a hardball. I have been in the emergency room 3 times. They took chest x-rays. I am a truck driver long haul doing my best to watch my weight. My job insisted on me going back to work, and I can’t. It is Christmas time now, and after it is over I will go back to the emergency room.